Family Fun – Day 3

Family Game – Teamwork & Encouragement

Family help? VIRUS ALLERT!! 28 Days of Quarantine! Let us help you turn this time into a positive time.

Research shows there are 6 fundamental characteristics of a strong family:
1. Strong families demonstrate appreciation and affection for each other.

We hope you are enjoying using your ‘family appreciation bucket’, and had fun with a shared family experience of ‘crossing the river’ together avoiding the crocodiles. Check those earlier posts below:

Day 1 –
Day 2 –

Your next family fun challenge is to ‘Rescue the Eggs’ together!

Rescue the Eggs!

Time for breakfast/lunch – the table has been set. Oh no! the eggs are missing! Your task as a family team is to transport the eggs on the plate through the obstacle course. Each family member holds one string. You must not touch the plate with your hands. Agree together beforehand what you will do if you lose any eggs: start again from the beginning or continue with the remaining eggs? (N.B. for small children – If you always start again, you’ll never finish!)

When you complete the activity, make each other compliments about the important contribution that each person made.


Lengths of string/wool, eggs, simple obstacle course, paper plate, staplers or masking tape (and maybe meal table set with plates and cups etc.)


Attach six 1-metre lengths of string to the paper plate. (If you don’t have a paper plate, an old plate can work. Attach the string to a ring instead of the plate and balance the plate on ring. See photo)
Optional idea: children decorating 3-4 eggs with felt pens or paints.
Create a simple obstacle course out of whatever you have available (chairs, bags . . . ) You could mark the course with string or similar if you desire. Don’t make the obstacle course too hard for small children, but include obstacles for them to climb over or crawl under.
You could have some extra variation to make it harder for families with older children.

Tips for adults

If there are not six in the family, some older members can hold 2 strings.
If the course is too difficult or too easy the first time thru, make appropriate changes.
Make sure no-one walks around obstacles!
Encourage everyone to pay attention to each other and work together.

Questions for reflection at end

Were we attentive to each other? (thinking about and listening to)
How did we help/encourage one other?
What do you think: after completing the activity, whose encouragement bucket is full up/half full/nearly empty? And why?
How could/should you do it differently another time?

What you do next with the eggs depends on what condition they are now in – but if the eggs are still intact, cooking up omelettes, scrambled eggs or adding the eggs to make your favourite pancakes, may be a wonderful way to finish the family fun time together.

Sit together around the table while eating, and discuss together in what ways you could encourage each other more? (. . . and ask the above question if you have not already discussed them.) Make sure everyone gets a chance to speak, share their thoughts, and be listened to.

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