Family Fun – Day 9

Family Challenge: Walk the Plank

All families have strengths and resources that you may not realise, or are untapped – strengths we want to help you discover and use!

International Strengths-Based Family Research has shown that there are 6 fundamental characteristics of strong families.

  1. No. 1: Strong Families Demonstrate appreciation and affection for each other.
  2. No. 2: Strong Families have a commitment to one another. They can trust each other and can depend on one another.

Todays Family Fun: Walk the Plank

Equipment Needed: One plank of wood about 2 metres in length, and about 100mm wide. (You can substitute with material or something similar to represent a plank of wood).

Everyone of the family is to stand on the length of wood – simple! The family needs to re-arrange themselves while still staying on the wood (and not touching the ground) to achieve the following order:

1. Alphabetical order;
2. Birthday dates (Jan-Dec);
3. Heights – from shortest to tallest;
4. Length of hair!

Only 1 Rule:
No stepping off the plank!

Object of this Challenge: To depend on others as you work together as a family. There are no right and wrong ways, as individual family groups works out different ways to achieve a goal. This will take trust and commitment and creativity to achieve! Have fun! Stick together and see what you can work out!

Questions to ask yourselves at the end:
– What was enjoyable about that challenge?
– Was it easy to work together?
– What was difficult about this challenge?
– How could we have done this challenge differently next time?
– What shall we do together to celebrate?

Check out earlier posts if you have missed out:

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Family Fun – Day 14

Family Fun – Just a Little Bit of Silliness!

Sometimes life gets so full of ACTIVITIES that there’s no FUN in it! Yesterday you planned more family fun activities. (see post)
Laughter is a vital ingredient for the health of the individual and for a family. Laughter bonds you together and builds great memories. So let’s have a little bit of silliness!

Today – Fun Food Games

Materials needed:

1. Choose a food that you have available and your family likes. Good examples:
– Watermelon
– Apples
– Donuts
– Spaghetti noodles
– Iced cake or muffin
2. Three or four simple but fun prizes.

Now choose how to present them:

– tied on a string to a stick or frame (good for donuts)
– place on a plate on a table or floor
– bobbing in water (good for apples)
– inside or outside!

The fun family challenge may get messy – but not necessarily – but the idea is to simply just have fun!

– You can make up your own depending on what you are eating , but normally the only rule is to eat the food with your hands behind your back.

Have prizes for:
– Eating with the most flare!
– Eating with the least mess!
– Eating the fastest!
– For participation!!
(You many think of more so that each member receives a prize for their efforts)

Questions to ask:
1. What was the most enjoyable thing about this activity? Why?
2. Would you like to laugh more together as a family? If so – what ideas do you have?
3. How could we have done this activity better? What things could we have done?

Try different foods if the family are desperate to, or end on a positive note, with the family wanting ‘A Bit More Silliness’ tomorrow!

Check out earlier posts you may have missed:

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Family Fun – Day 13

Family Fun – Building Memories!

International Strengths-Based Family Research has shown that there are 6 fundamental characteristics of strong families.

No. 1: Strong Families demonstrate appreciation and affection for each other.
No. 2: Strong Families have a commitment to one another. They can trust and depend on each other.
No. 3: Strong Families practice positive communication.

And now:
No. 4: Strong Families spend enjoyable, quality time together.

This is such a simple principle, yet with the busyness of life, families can spend very little time together, even less time laughing and doing fun activities that build strong memories and a strong family bond.

This takes being intentional, and planning it on your calendar. e.g. family pizza nights, family disco party, family holidays, parent and child ‘date nights’ of one-on-one time, a family activity you all do together (e.g. water skiing).

Today’s task: Making up a ‘Family FUN Planner’

Brain storm as a family all the types of FUN activities you like doing together as a family or would like to do in the future together. It might be hard to find FUN activities you ALL like to do, but starting to collect common interests will help develop some ideas.

Tips for Parents:
This is not part of your normal calendar of activities: e.g. piano and dance lessons, soccer practices. Sometimes life gets so full of ACTIVITIES that life has no FUN in it!

Fun Planner may include one fun slot per day, (or even a week to start with), time that is just for having fun together, enjoying, laughing and being as a family.

Once you have some ideas, book them on a new ‘Family FUN Plan’ – seperate from your busy activity planner. Pattern ideas are included or you can make up your own from the many ideas on pinterest. We hope you create some awesome memories together!

Check out earlier posts you may have missed:

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Family Fun – Day 12

Family Fun – “Your’e not Hearing Me!”

International Strengths-Based Family Research has shown that there are 6 fundamental characteristics of strong families.

No. 1: Strong Families demonstrate appreciation and affection for each other.
No. 2: Strong Families have a commitment to one another. They can trust and depend on each other.
No. 3: Strong Families practice positive communication.
No. 4-6 . . . (coming soon)

Today Activity – ‘The Architect’

Material needed:

2 sets of 10 lego blocks or similar (identical in colour and size)

This family activity enhances your communication skills, focusing on your ability to hear each other well!

The aim is that the Architect’s design is exactly replicated by the the Builder. Information is transferred via a number of family members to the Builder.

To play:
– Spread the family members out (up to 5m apart), even into different rooms of the house in an order, with an Architect as the first player and a Builder as the last player.
– The Architect has one set of lego blocks and the Builder has the other identical set of lego blocks.
– The Architect creates a design/structure of their choosing hidden from view.
– The Architect will communicate, (quietly so others can’t hear), describing to the next person who can not see the structure, the position of one or two blocks at a time. That person then relays the information onto the next member, etc until the builder receives the information.
– This continues until the Builder has completed the build, at which time the team comes together to inspect the build!

Questions to ask:
1. Is the structure identical?
2. If it is, pat yourselves on the back, and change players and have another go!
3. If not, where did we go wrong? (e.g. the importance of clear communication!)
3. Did we PASS ON instructions correctly?
4. Did you UNDERSTAND clearly what you were told?
5. How can we do this better!
6. Have another go!

A thought to consider: Sometimes we think we have communicated clearly, but the outcome may not have been what we desired, because we assumed people understood.

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Family Fun – Day 11

It is time to rally the troops, get them off their devices and have some family fun! All families have strengths and resources that you may not realise, or are untapped – strengths we want to help you discover and use!

International Strengths-Based Family Research has shown that there are 6 fundamental characteristics of strong families.

No. 1: Strong Families demonstrate appreciation and affection for each other.
No. 2: Strong Families have a commitment to one another. They can trust each other and can depend on one another.
No. 3: Strong Families practice positive communication. They can identify problems and discuss how to solve them together, spending time talking and listening to one another just to stay connected.

Todays Activity: Refuelling your car

Cars need refuelling for them to keep going. Similarly, each of us has an imaginary fuel tank inside of us that needs refuelling that makes us feel loved.

As cars are designed differently, we are also designed uniquely with different ways that we feel loved. Experts say that there are 5 different ways of feeling loved: by words; actions; touch; gifts and time. These are called LOVE LANGUAGES, and each of us has one of these ways that we find refuels our love tank, more than others.

Materials needed:
– Printed car patterns (attached), to cut out and glue
– A racing track made out of card, paper (or even lego if desired) with a start, 20 squares as points, and a finish line.
– A photo that individuals can cut out their faces to glue on to their car.
– Printed off question cards, cut out, and put in a stack.
– A favourite family dessert to share afterwards

Everyone gets to choose and make up their car to represent themselves. Follow the rules attached with the youngest person starting the game by reading out the top card on the stack (they may need help) and others writing down their answers.

Additional rules:
1. Players move 1 step FORWARD by the number of people that choose their CORRECT love language.

2. Other players move 1 step BACKWARDS (only once their car is on the race track) if they guess the WRONG answer.

The aim of the game is to have fun learning and understanding each of the family’s different love languages. In addition, you get others to learn about you!
It is a race to see who understands each other the best!

(Parents there are two additional pages to print off that explain the cards and how they relate to love languages, which may help you in the questions at the end.)

Discussion Questions:
1. Which Love Language do you think is your main Love Language? (way you feel loved)
2. Is anyone surprised by someone else’s Love Language? Why?
3. How good are we at knowing each other’s Love Language?
4. How could we do it better?
5. How did it make us feel when someone understands us?

We recommend you read Dr. Gary Chapman’s Book “The Five Love Languages of Your Children.” The fun activity you did today just scratches the surface of possibilities for understanding the Love Languages. The book will give you insight into how to best love your children and yourself and how to help them love others.

Check out earlier posts if you have missed any:

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Family Fun – Day 10

Family Board Game – Inside Outside

International Strengths-Based Family Research has shown that there are 6 fundamental characteristics of strong families.

No. 1: Strong Families demonstrate appreciation and affection for each other.
No. 2: Strong Families have a commitment to one another. They can trust each other and can depend on one another.

And Now –
No. 3: Strong Families practice positive communication. They can identify problems and discuss how to solve them together. Perhaps even more vital: strong families spend time talking and listening to one another just to stay connected.

Some of the most valuable talk occurs when no-one is working at connection: open-ended rambling conversations can reveal information which helps smooth out the bumps of family life.

Inside Outside : board game

Make a board game (pattern attached). Share some interesting tidbits about the past. The ideal is to take talking and listening to each other!

Materials needed:

Download and print off pages for games. (instructions are included)
Potato crisps or popcorn to eat while listening to the stories as you play.

Tips for parents:

Children particularly like to hear stories about their parents childhood. Our children loved it! As you play this board game, and you land on an emotion, consider some of these questions below that may prompt you with an interesting story to tell your children that is attached with an emotion that you landed on. e.g. a story that made you sad, happy etc. Children will enjoy sharing their own stories too.

– Tell about a time when you slept outdoors.
– Tell about something unusual that happened in a restaurant.
– Recall a strange thing that happened in a foreign country you have visited?
– What was one of your favourite family dinners as a child?
– Name a person who significantly influenced your life. How?
– Tell about something you often did on Sundays as a child
– Recall a time when you got into trouble at school.
– Where was a special place you liked to play as a child?
– Describe one of your best or worst teachers
– Tell about the first time you danced with someone.
– Who is one of the kindest individuals you have met? Why?
– Tell about a famous person you have met.
– Recall a time when you got into trouble at home.
– What is one of your favourite childhood stories?
– Recall one of your greatest athletic achievements.
– Describe an event you’ll never forget from your school days.
– Describe one of your first experiences of living away from home.
– Tell about a time when you gave or were given flowers!

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Family Fun – Day 8

Family Challenge: Walk the Plank

All families have strengths and resources that you may not realise, or are untapped – strengths we want to help you discover and use!

International Strengths-Based Family Research has shown that there are 6 fundamental characteristics of strong families.

Characteristic No. 2: Strong Families have a commitment to one another. They can trust each other and can depend on one another.

Todays Family Fun: Walk the Plank

Equipment Needed: One plank of wood about 2 metres in length, and about 100mm wide. (You can substitute with material or something similar to represent a plank of wood).

Everyone of the family is to stand on the length of wood – simple! The family needs to re-arrange themselves while still staying on the wood (and not touching the ground) to achieve the following order:

1. Alphabetical order;
2. Birthday dates (Jan-Dec);
3. Heights – from shortest to tallest;
4. Length of hair!

Only 1 Rule:
No stepping off the plank!

Object of this Challenge: To depend on others as you work together as a family. There are no right and wrong ways, as individual family groups works out different ways to achieve a goal. This will take trust and commitment and creativity to achieve! Have fun! Stick together and see what you can work out!

Questions to ask yourselves at the end:
– What was enjoyable about that challenge?
– Was it easy to work together?
– What was difficult about this challenge?
– How could we have done this challenge differently next time?
– What shall we do together to celebrate?

Check out earlier posts if you have missed out:

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Family Fun – Day 7

Family Craft: Building Trust

All families have strengths and resources that you may not realise or are untapped – strengths we want to help you discover and use!

International Strengths-Based Family Research has shown that there are 6 fundamental characteristics of strong families. Here’s the second characteristic!

  1. Strong Families demonstrate appreciation and affection for each other.
  2. Strong Families have a commitment to one another.
    They can trust each other and can depend on one another.

Members of successful families are dedicated to each other’s wellbeing, investing time and energy in family activities, not letting work or other priorities take too much time away from family interaction.

Todays Fun: Family Mobile Craft

The object of this craft is to see that we are committed as a family unit to each other. As the family is connected, what we do and how we act as individuals affects other members of the family.

Materials: wood/ring/stick for the top, string and objects to represent each individual member of the family unit. This craft can be as fancy or as simple as you want . . . (check out pinterest if need more ideas!)

Let each individual choose or make an item they would like to represent them on the family mobile. (This could be a craft design, a lego block, a shell, a miniature figure etc.)

Tips for parents: Once everyone has collected their mascot, (and hopefully they are similar weights), have a discussion while you sit together before taking up the task to attach them with string to make a mobile.
Attach the family name to the top of the mobile.

Ask each individual:
What have you chosen?
Why or how does this mascot represent you?

Then let them attach it on the mobile before going to the next individual. You will need to think about how to attach the pieces so the mobile is balanced. Hang it up in a prominent place for the family to see and be aware of.

As a group discuss:
What is unique about this mobile? (i.e. your uniqueness )
The mobile is joined by string, but what are we as a family joined by? (e.g. love and commitment to each other)
How is the mobile affected when one individual piece moves? (all the pieces start moving)
If one of us is being grumpy or angry – how does this effect the others in the family?
If one of us is not committed to helping around the house with chores etc, how does that effect the family?
When one of us speaks kindly and is helpful, how does that effect the family?
What can we do as a family to keep committed and in balance?

Check out some earlier posts if you have missed some:

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Family Fun – Day 6

Family Challenge – Trust Fall

International Strengths-Based Family Research has shown that there are 6 fundamental characteristics of strong families. Here’s the second characteristic!

  1. Strong Families demonstrate appreciation and affection for each other.
  2. Strong Families have a commitment to one another.
    They can trust each other and can depend on one another.

Members of successful families are dedicated to each other’s wellbeing, investing time and energy in family activities, not letting work or other priorities take too much time away from family interaction.

Todays Challenge: Trust Fall

This is a simple, yet effective fun way of building trust in a family.

One member of the family is selected and stands on a raised platform, next they fall backwards (to a lying down position) relying on the support of their family to catch them. This quick team building activity is all about support and trust.

Equipment Required: Raised platform (elevation around 1 metre or higher!)
Space Required: Minimal – either indoors or outdoors.


One person is selected (or volunteers) to try the challenge first. They stand on the raised platform, waiting for their team mates. The rest of the group should form 2 vertical lines facing each other on ground level.
The volunteer (faller) should stand with their back to the rest of the team, with their arms crossed.
A stable landing area should be provided by the rest of the team using their arms to protect the faller. (linking hands with person opposite)
Once everyone is ready and in position, the volunteer should freely fall in the direction of the catchers.
The aim of the catchers is to catch the faller, so they may need to adjust themselves to ensure the volunteer lands safely in the landing area.
Safety First: The faller must not fall, until the catchers are ready, and shout ‘Fall’.
Once you have completed the first fall. Take time to discuss it with the group. Asking them how they found it? Allow all members of the team to take turns as the faller, (NB if the catchers are strong enough)

A REMINDER: Cheer and encourage everyone for their efforts. Some will find this harder to do then others!!

Suggested Learning Outcomes:

Support and trust
Comfort Zone

Questions for each ‘faller’:

Did you have any hesitation before falling?
How did you feel having to rely on others to support you?

Questions for the family:

How did you manage the fallers safety? What did you do to protect them?
Can you relate this challenge to a time when you have had to rely on others? Was it a good or bad outcome?
Is there anything that stops you from trusting others around you in the family?

Tips for Adults:
Safety of the fall is paramount!
There may be an opportunity here to apologise to each other if family members share times when they have felt let down when they thought they should be able to trust.
This can be a special family time if everyone can feel safe to share and be heard. THIS BUILD TRUST!

Check out some earlier posts if you have missed some:

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Family Fun – Day 5

Family Activity: My Favourite Family Time

International Strengths-Based Family Research has shown that there are 6 fundamental characteristics of strong families.

1. Strong families show appreciation and affection to each other: People in strong families care deeply for each other, let each other know this on a regular basis, and are not afraid to express their love. This looks like : caring for each other, friendship, respect for individuality, playfulness and humour.

Today: ‘My Favourite Family Time’

We show appreciation for each other by spending enjoyable times with each other. There are a whole lot of different times we spend together as a family: eating, doing the cleaning, shopping, playing games, cuddling at bedtime, story times . . .

In “My favourite family time” we show an interest in what the others most like about our family times.

Guessing the secret: Each person is given a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. First each person SECRETLY writes down their favourite family time in the week; small children can draw a picture. (Children may need parents help by listing off what family times you do have during the week.)

Then each person turns his paper over and one person begins: “What do you think is my favourite time of the week in our family?” Everyone can make a guess!

Then the secret is revealed:

The person turns over his paper and tells the others what they most enjoy doing in the family and why.

Only 2 Rules:
– Other family members can ask for details, if there is anything they didn’t understand. . . BUT
– Don’t criticise each other’s choice!!! It is OK if one person enjoys one thing and another person doesn’t like it at all!!

Questions to talk about afterwards:

– Did you know what the others in your family like best?
– What can we do to have really enjoyable times together?

Choose together one of the favourite things mentioned.
(If it is too difficult to come to a agreement, write options on paper and draw one from a bowl.)
Here are some other suggestions you might want to add:
Playing a board game together;
Reading a novel out loud together on couch;
Computer gaming together;
Outdoor activity e.g biking, gardening, walking, flying a kite…..

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